SKU: FLT70020019876
Availability: In stock

3M ScaleGard Pro® P124BN-E

Water Filter


£105.24 Including VAT


£99.98 Including VAT

With 5% Repeat Customer Discount.

How does it work

Filter Head:


The capacity of a filter depends on your area's water hardness or PPM. Please find the guide values below to help you choose the correct filter. Click Here to view our water hardness map.

PPM: 140 Capacity: 2057 Litres

PPM: 180 Capacity: 1600 Litres

PPM: 210 Capacity: 1371 Litres


Features and Benefits:
  • A disposable scale control system, designed to protect coffee and vending equipment from scale build up
  • Optimised for ph
  • Reduces energy inefficiency, product downtime and service call outs
  • Sanitary quick change cartridge means rapid change over, with no expertise or tools
  • Compact unit means filter can be mounted in a cabinet or off the floor

3M ScaleGard Pro® filters are designed to protect coffee machines, vending equipment and steamers from scale build up. They are designed to prevent hard scale formation in the heating coils that results in energy inefficiency, downtime and expensive service calls.

Description SKU Weight Quantity
Cartridge Only No Head FLT70020019876 0kg
VH3 Filter Head 3/8" BSPT FLT70020019876 / FLT700200114164 0kg
lids tab pane.

The following filters are designed to work with the above machine.

The following accessories are designed to work with the above machine.

The following maintenance agreements cover this product.