Britons are known worldwide for their apparent love for coffee ( over tea, yes ! Forget the Sting song “Englishman in New york”, that’s history now ). Be it for the refreshing taste, the stress-reducing effect, the rush of caffeine in the bloodstream or the anti-inflammatory and anti-toxic properties of coffee, most Britons can’t get enough of the stuff. This surging trend of increasing coffee diehards has earned Britain the label ‘the over-caffeinated country. Recent scientific studies may, however, prove us wrong.
The health and scientific community, in general, have been quite divisive when it comes to the health benefits and risk that may be associated with coffee. While it is evident that too much of something is dangerous, regulated amounts of coffee have been found to do more good than harm to your body. In fact, recent studies by the University of Southampton have shown that drinking coffee may greatly lower your risk of an early death.
The extensive review of over 200 past studies conclusively established that coffee accrues many health benefits, contrary to popular belief. The study has mitigated many fears previously associated with drinking coffee.
The British population downs about 55 million gallons of coffee a day. Though this may look like a lot of coffee, the amount is yet to reach the amount recommended by researchers. Scientists recommend about 3-4 cups of coffee in a day. Britain may need to up their consumption by a lot more to be at par with the scientists’ demands. With over 1000 bioactive ingredients that have therapeutic, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, roasted coffee certainly packs a healthy punch. This explains why the beverage needs to be taken in plenty.
Instead of taking you through the complex chemical metamorphosis undergone by green coffee beans to alter their chemical composition for the better, we will go straight to the research findings. A study concluded recently confirmed that you could reduce mortality by a whopping 10% by drinking 7 cups of coffee a day, though 3 cups will achieve maximum health benefits. Still not convinced? Here are other ways coffee could improve your health.
Surprisingly, coffee significantly protects against cardiovascular diseases ranging from hypertension and stroke to coronary thrombosis. In addition to reducing the risks of myocardial infarction. People who don’t take coffee on a regular basis are 16% more likely to suffer from these lifestyle diseases as compared to avid coffee drinkers. If you think that’s scary, imagine the risk figure escalating to 30% when it comes to strokes.
Studies have linked coffee consumption with a reduction in the risk of getting cancer. A detailed analysis of 40 studies proved that drinking 3-4 cups of coffee works against the development potential cancerous cells and tissues. The studies showed reduced instances of oral, prostate, endometrial and non-melanoma related skin cancers. Moreover, figures indicate a 26% reduced risk of contracting fatty-liver disease, a similar 27% and 39% reduction in liver fibrosis and cirrhosis respectively.
Metabolic disorders like metabolic syndrome and diabetes are among the most life-threatening conditions that have claimed many lives. A reduction in the risk of these two diseases has been attributed to coffee consumption. This is in regard to a combined study conducted by the University of Palermo and the University of Catania in 2016 that also underscored the extra benefits to gain from the chlorogenic and polyphenic acids in coffee. These two organic compounds are crucial to improving insulin and glucose levels in the blood.
Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease are examples of mental illnesses which can be mitigated by drinking coffee. A study by Havard in 2015 corroborated a previous study conducted by Dr Alberto Ascherio in 2001 to affirm this prognosis. The study that took a whole year to complete surveyed over 47,000 men and over 84,000 women with the results demonstrating a risk reduction of up to 50% in contracting Parkinsons’ disease. Also, When the Institute of Scientific Information released its finding on the effect of coffee in fighting Alzheimer’s back in 2016, the institution found a 27% lowering in the contraction of Alzheimer’s disease.
Apart from helping prevent Alzheimer’s itself, coffee has also been ascribed to reduced cases of depression and other cognitive disorders that are characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease’s patients.
So next time you want to skip that extra cup of coffee, think again. That extra cup of coffee may, in essence, save your life.